The Chronicle of the Lawgiver was originally projected to be a five-part series with the following books:
Book One: Beginnings
Book Two: Remembrance (Moses, his sons, and the burning bush)
Book Three: Exodus (Crossing the Red Sea)
Book Four: Law and Rebellion (Ten Commandments and a rebellious people)
Book Five: Passing (Death of Moses and Joshua crossing the Jordan)
But as I have been writing Remembrance I decided that the Battle of Kadesh and how it seals the relationship between Moses and Ramses needed a book of its own. So now there are six books projected to complete the series.
Book One: Beginnings
Book Two: A Warrior’s Heart (working title)
Book Three: Remembrance (Moses, his sons, and the burning bush)
Book Four: Exodus (Crossing the Red Sea)
Book Five: Law and Rebellion (Ten Commandments and a rebellious people)
Book Six: Passing (Death of Moses and Joshua crossing the Jordan)
When can we expect book 2 ? Read book one in a day blindly expecting to be able to pick up nook two right away but then discovered it was a work in progress so please hurry and get book two ready for reading